Online Application

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Application to Purchase a Real Estate Property on Credit Terms or Cash

Income Source

Next of Kins

Name of a relative or next of Kin 1:


Reference 1:
Reference 2:

Property Details

Tick Your Preferred Purchase Plan

Terms and Conditions

INSURANCE: It shall be compulsory upon the purchaser to ensure that credit and any other risks ofnwhatsoever nature that may and/ or will arise out of the purchase of the property are insured at the purchaser’s expense with the insurer of the seller’s choice.
PERIOD OF DELIVERY: Delivery of occupation and possession of the flat shall be made according to the agreed dates and as per the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement of sale to be executed by the respective parties.
PERIOD OF RESERVATIONS: Reservations of flats shall remain valid only to the extend that the required property is still available and such reservations shall automatically fall away by reason of unavailability of the required property as and when such unavailability occurs.
SERVICE ADDRESS: If you reside outside the country, you are required to provide an address in Zimbabwe for purposes of service of documents